5 Email Marketing Stats You Probably Don’t Know

Danny O'Reilly
June 2, 2023

The numbers don’t lie when it comes to proving the value of email marketing. But rather than trotting out the same old metrics on benchmark delivery, open and click-through rates, here are 5 email marketing stats you probably don’t know. Stats that can empower you to make better investments, align closer with consumer needs and get closer to your customers in the moments that matter.


48% of consumers have made a purchase directly from an email they received in the last year

Although there are a myriad of touchpoints that marketers need to leverage in order to reach consumers, when it comes to driving sales, email is one of the most influential and impactful. Email is ubiquitous on devices and unlike digital ads (which it outperforms by 100%), guaranteed to reach the intended recipient. What’s more, as brands own their database, email is not only one of the most effective channels, but it’s also comfortably the most cost-effective, too.


82% of consumers favour a brand’s messaging that provides a consistent customer experience

When it comes to separating favoured brands from those less so, messaging is a key differentiator. Consumers love the email marketing they receive from their preferred brands and how it goes beyond the purely transactional. The brands committed to fostering better relationships and adding relevance, value and personalisation to their messaging are the ones that are elevated to preferred status and poised to see long-term benefit across the customer lifecycle.

47% of consumers have felt frustration when they received irrelevant content or offers

With more consumer data available to marketers than ever before, there’s little excuse for sending inconsequential offers and products that the consumer has no interest in. Unfortunately, consumers remain pretty frustrated by the subpar attempts at personalised emails they receive from brands. Truly personalised email is the core of relationship marketing – displaying empathy and an understanding of an individual’s likes, interests, history and preferences while delivering in the moments that matter.

71% of consumers receive about the right amount or would like more emails about personalised treats

Consumers are generally content with the volume of emails they receive from brands. When it comes to being “about right” or “would like to receive more messaging,” marketers are getting their volume and cadence spot-on. Balancing your messaging strategy with a blend of value-based offers and personalised content is a sure way to retain customers and keep engagement rates high.

57% of consumers describe the relationship with their favourite brand as the brand only “communicates as and when necessary”

When competing to rise above the competition in crowded inboxes it can be tempting to blast your latest offering to your entire database. However, consumers are clear, with over half describing the relationship with their favourite brand as only getting emails as and when necessary. That means an email frequency based on each customer’s individual purchase cycle and profile attributes, refined by optimal delivery times and triggered based on online behavioural data and other real-time customer signals across your owned properties.

At Selligent by Marigold we have the tools to empower you to collect the personal, behavioural and psychographic data required to power truly-personalised email, complemented with a best-in-class data-driven marketing platform with easy to use testing functionality. To get even more data on consumer attitudes and trends in email, advertising, privacy and personalisation, check out the European Consumer Trends Index 2023.

The Consumer Trends Index 2023 for Europe

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